Dear Trump Supporting Friends

Like most of my friends and family, election night and the following days I found myself in tears trying to process the ugly reality that is unfolding not only for our nation but the world. I am angry at myself for feeling optimistic the past few weeks despite my long-held belief that America has not yet overcome its racism, misogyny, and blatant stupidity enough to make the right choice. I am somewhat consoled that by the numbers, more people voted for progressiveness. and yet by the system which we uphold as a critical part of our democratic foundation, we enabled the election of an unqualified and dangerous demagogue as our next president. We are flawed. This is far from the change we needed.

I have very few friends who voted for Trump, and because I believe in democracy, I respect their right to do so despite my feelings about their choice or their personal values. I have known since long before this election that some of these friends are racist even though they cannot see that in themselves. I have chosen not to engage in discussions with them about politics or pretty much anything of any moral substance. I will continue to silently judge them for their support of a man who has openly been cruel to so many groups of people including me and people I love and including people I don't even know but care about because I have a heart. I will never excuse these friends for overlooking the immorality of a man who incited violence and exploited hatred with zero regard for humanity. There is nothing I can think of that can justify consciously choosing a man who sexually assaults women and young girls.

Sick of hearing people complain about the election results? It must be that you've never experienced racism and been the recipient of hatred. Lucky you. Think I'm being unreasonable and overreacting? Convince me please that I don't need to fear for the safety of my family. Show me if you can that my already marginalized friends will not see setbacks in their civil liberties. Reassure me that our economy will not be destroyed. Please promise our country will be safe from terrorist attacks. Maybe then I can stop worrying and lamenting the grave mistake we have made with this election. Until you can dissuade the fears, please understand that your gloating only sets us apart further because you've pledged your allegiance to a man whose vision of a great America is one without me in it.

#trump #trumpsupporters

State of a Broken Nation

Our race relations are at an all-time low point in recent history. Our media profits from inciting hatred and fear. Our lackluster education system produces feeble minds which are easily brainwashed. Our law enforcement operates without proper training and accountability. Our government is corrupt and in disrepair. Our lives are in the hands of unregulated gun owners who all believe they are the good guy and their motives are justified. Our upcoming elections do not give hope to a promising future. Our nation is in great need of healing and reform. We are spiraling out of control. We desperately need change.

Good Behavior Is Not Real

During my childhood, I felt let down by the criminal justice system when they released a man from his prison sentence for "good behavior". Of course, they didn't have young girls in prison for him to exhibit his bad behavior. I feel let down again knowing that Brock Turner's already-too-short sentence will be cut down to 3 months. How is our consistently flawed justice system protecting the public and upholding its duty to mitigate crime by letting this man serve only 3 months?

This injustice feeds into the misogynistic and violent belief that a man violating a woman is no big deal, especially when he's a privileged young white guy. It perpetuates the stigma that the victim is at fault and that because she was drunk, he committed no crime.

I feel anguish for all the survivors who have been let down by a system that showed leniency to predatory behavior. I feel so much agony and empathy for the victims who will be too afraid to come forward because they feel hopeless that justice will be served. This is not only disappointing, it is downright scary. Our justice system is sending across a dangerous message with this case that sexual violence is okay. Considering the statistics on sexual violence, I imagine this case has been a trigger for many people I know. I am grateful for the number of posts I'm seeing from outraged people who seem to understand the simple concept of consent.


#brockturner #sexualassault #nojustice