Y'all know me as a vocal woman who regularly speaks out against racial and social injustices, and I thank you for the time you take to read my words or hear me out or engage me in private discussions. I thank you for understanding my need to speak out. I can't help it. My life-long activist mother raised me to stand up for what I believe in, to always try to raise awareness, and to try to help impact change through example and dialogue. So I try. Sometimes I even succeed and that makes it all worth it. Regardless, it's a fight I'll never give up on because I don't know how. I've been doing it my entire life.
I thank you for checking in on me and giving me your love and support. I appreciate so much all the messages that pour in from you to let me know you've got my back. It's still a relatively new feeling for people of color to have allies who 1) get it, 2) give a shit, 3) join the fight. And so I thank you. And I want you to know I know it's not easy.
While some of us have been doing this our entire lives because we've had to -- it's treading new waters for many of our allies who are finding themselves speaking out against family members and friends. I have been overwhelmed with pride seeing how many allies I have who are raising their voice against racism and civil injustice. I am fully aware and understand the struggles you face and the emotional exhaustion you're feeling. There is nothing easy about the confrontations you're having, the repetitive conversations you're having with people who aren't listening, and the criticism and insults you're absorbing as you're working to shield others from the hateful words of people you love.
It fucking sucks. I am so sorry. I completely understand when you want to just shut down and stay silent to avoid the pain and frustration that comes with speaking out. I want you to know I am so grateful and appreciate every bit of effort no matter how small you think it is -- the truth is, they are listening to you more than they have ever listened to us. We need you, allies. We need your strength. We need your solidarity. We will only be able to impact change by joining together. It won't be easy, but I thank you for joining the fight. Thank you for being you.
#pocallies #thankful #solidarity