With past presidencies, people typically knew what to expect. The left knew a GOP president would cut funding to public programs to increase spending on military and defense (but not veteran assistance). The right knew the democratic president would sign into law more programs that benefited the very people who weren't capable of contributing back to the system that funds the programs they use. The left knew the GOP president would appeal to the corporations and the loudest deep-pocketed lobbyists. The right knew the democratic president would use federal power to force states and small businesses to be more inclusive against their own beliefs.
With the looming Trump presidency, neither side can predict what our nation's greatest con man will do. He has shown us he is erratic, easily provokable, and tantrum-prone. He's shown us he will appeal to the lowest scum of the earth and use hate and bigotry as fuel to spread support. Still, there are those who are willing to look past his actions during his campaign with hopes that he might show a more moderate and reasonable temperament as president.
His very first week as president-elect has provided no reassurances that he will not tear this country apart or that he won't destroy people's lives in the process. Donald Trump is a man who has no convictions of his own. His entire platform was based on rhetoric he knew would resonate with a large mass of voters. Yes, he's a racist. Yes, he's a misogynist. Yes, he's a greedy and unethical businessman. However, I don't believe he personally cares about immigration policies or abortion. He doesn't care about any policy that doesn't affect him personally. Perhaps affordable healthcare is one that comes at a cost to his corporations. He doesn't care about the role of government in people's lives, only business. I certainly doubt he's going to try to change the tax loophole that's allowed him to not pay taxes for 18 years, even though he accused Hillary Clinton of being part of the government that allowed him to get away with it. This man has no convictions of his own. He simply wants power, and to repay the groups who secured his election win, he's willing to share that power with other dangerous men who happen to have very strong convictions -- ones which go against human rights.
Trump's hiring of Steve Bannon for Chief Strategist gives power to the racist white supremacists who voted him into office. David Duke of the KKK is thrilled with this choice, unsurprisingly. Trump's consideration of Rudy Giuliani for any of several cabinet positions is appalling -- but not in any way shocking. A man with multiple conflicts of interest in foreign countries and not an ounce of diplomacy or tact, Giuliani is no better equipped to work with foreign affairs than Donald Trump himself. Not to mention -- he's incredibly racist. Seems to be a recurring theme in the people Trump is surrounding himself with. Speaking of his posse, given the absurdity of the entire election and the choices he's making for his cabinet, it's not entirely improbable that Trump requested top secret clearance for his kids and son-in-law so they can be briefed along with him as some sources have reported. The man has no interest in doing the president's job, he simply wanted the president's title and power. Now that he got his tiny little hands on the presidency, his supporters might be just as disappointed as his opposers with what he does with it.
How do the affordable healthcare opposers feel now that the candidate they voted for based on his campaign promise to repeal and replace it altogether it has indicated he won't be taking steps to repeal the affordable healthcare act?
How are the "build a wall" proponents feeling now that his plans have proven far less substantial than promised?
And those who have stood firmly against gay marriage and believed their candidate's recent position was the same as theirs, how do they feel now that he's saying he won't repeal that either?
Or the racist bigots who are being told by Trump himself to "stop it" with the hate crimes, do they feel betrayed and unfairly scolded by the man who was validating and inciting them for the past two years?
I wonder how the people who were somehow convinced he's not racist or misogynistic (or that felt the fact that he is racist and misogynistic won't impact policies) feel now that he's appointed an openly anti-semitic white supremacist wife abuser as his chief strategist?
What about the anti-establishment voters, are they feeling lied to now that they're seeing that he's staffed his team with political insiders and lobbyists despite campaigning against this very thing?
I am curious how the people who knew he was incompetent but hoped he'd surround himself with smart people feel now that he's chosen staff members whose qualifications point to politics built on power and intimidation rather than experience and skills.
Donald Trump is no one's president. He is a con man who trolled everyone, and in the end, he will simply make choices that benefit his personal gain. He is a man of no convictions other than a desire for power and the money that comes with it.
#trump #conman #notmypresident